Why I like Egg McMuffins

I know, I know. Egg McMuffins are a McDonald’s breakfast food. I am not supposed to support McDonalds with my money if I don’t support its labor practices or its use of factory farming. but for a minute here, I am selling out, because I want to become an affiliate marketer, and I figured I’d start by blogging about one of my guilty pleasures, egg McMuffins. God forgive me. So, I like egg McMuffins for three reasons. First of all, they do not utilize high calorie biscuits. Secondly, they combine fried eggs, Canadian bacon, and cheese, three of my favorite breakfast foods. Lastly, they are convenient to-go food that can be eaten on the way to work.

Now let’s begin by looking at the caloric content of a McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese biscuit has 460 calories while an egg McMuffin has 310. The bacon, egg and cheese biscuit has 150 more calories because of the fat in biscuits and bacon. Now, fat is not viewed as such horrible a thing as it used to be, but when a person combines it with the refined carbohydrates in bleached white flour, one totally wipes out any of the good qualities of fat. So, if a person eats a bacon. egg and cheese biscuit from McDonald’s, that person can rest comfortably knowing that his or her digestive system is going to trigger the body’s spare-tire building mechanisms. On the other hand, if the same person eats and egg McMuffin for breakfast, he or she can easily burn off those 310 calories before lunchtime.

Now I love bacon, egg and cheese biscuits. Don’t get me wrong. But if I want all that fat, I am going to go to a smaller company to get it. I mean, one can get a good bacon, egg and cheese biscuit at a lot of smaller restaurants and breakfast joints. Still, the thing about the egg McMuffin, again, is a person like me can get generally the same flavor experience as a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit, without that extra 150 calories (or more, depending on how much butter is in the biscuit, and how much fat is in the cheese and the bacon.)

The final reason I love an egg McMuffin is that I can get one through a drive through window on my way to work, unwrap one part of it, and eat the thing before I even get to work. I will have had a high protein breakfast that will keep me filled up until lunchtime, without adding cooking or dishwashing to my morning routine. It’s not going to take me more than 10 minutes to get my egg McMuffin, whereas cooking and cleaning at home would surely take 30 minutes at least.

So, having said all that, it should now be obvious to anyone why I like egg McMuffins for breakfast. I have even been known to get an extra one to heat in the microwave at work for lunch. I have confessed my guilty pleasure, and now I hope I have also embarked upon a new career in affiliate marketing through blogging. God forgive me.

How to Make Whole Wheat Pancakes

First thing you got to do is you get you a large bowl, and a 2 cup liquid measure. Then you get you a bag of whole wheat flour, a box of baking soda, some brown sugar, some salt, some buttermilk, an egg, and some vegetable oil. So then, you put one cup of whole wheat flour in the larger bowl. add a 1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and set that aside. Then, in your 2 cup liquid measure, you get you 1 and 1/2 cup buttermilk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and an egg. Then you beat that up until the egg is thoroughly mixed in.

Now you mix the wet ingredients in with the dry ingredients with a fork just enough to get all of the dry ingredients wet.

Now get you a hot oiled griddle, and pour on about 1/4 cup of the batter to make one pancake. Repeat until your pan or griddle is full — 3-4 pancakes at a time.

when the bubbles start to emerge and pop from the middle of the pancake, that is time to turn it over with your spatula. Once there is no more wet batter emerging from your pancake, you know it’s done. Repeat until you use all the batter. This will make you about 0ne dozen pancakes.


After the English reading student learns the short vowel sounds and the long vowel rule, the student should be introduced to the concept of digraphs. There are vowel digraphs, and there are consonant digraphs.

The vowel digraphs, for the most part follow the long vowel rule. For example, ‘ea’ and ‘ee’ usually indicate the long e sound. ‘Oa’ says the long o sound, and ‘ue’ usually indicates the long u sound. Additionally, ‘ie’ sometimes says the long i sound, as in the word ‘pie’, but it can also say the long e sound as in the words ‘piece’ and ‘niece’.

There are also consonant digraphs that change the sound of the consonant, such as, ‘ch’ ,’gh’, ‘ph’, ‘sh’, and ‘th’. example words of all of these can be taught as sight words: such, much, tough, rough, graph, phone, she, shell, the, and thing.

How I Communicate Online

Bloganuary writing prompt
In what ways do you communicate online?

What does that question mean? I mean, define “Online” first. Because if you mean electronically? Or do you mean over the Internet? And then, what do you mean by “What ways?” You mean like, hostile? Polite? Roundabout? Direct? And another question I have is, are you asking when it is appropriate to communicate online?

Generally, I try to communicate directly but politely both by text and by email, but sometimes I get really obnoxious. That covers two ways. Then there’s this blog, which is at this time includes third person and first-person narrative and the informative voice. Finally, I would say that in the U.S. most people are always at liberty to communicate online, though it requires money, and there are certain times when it is not advisable. Like when you are in a class at an institution of learning, or when you are eating and drinking and run the risk of spilling on your devices. I could go on and on, but I tire….


So, once you learn the basic consonant sounds, it’s time to study vowels. Vowels are like consonants in that they have a basic sound, but unlike consonants in that they change their sound when they are close together. The basic sound of a vowel is called the ‘short vowel sound’.

a=/a/ as in ‘Cat’

e=/eh/ as in ‘Elephant’

i=/ih/ as in ‘It’

o=/ah/ as in ‘Octopus’

u=/uh/ as in ‘Under’

y=/euh/ as in ‘Yellow’

When vowels are close together, as they are in the word C-U-T-E, the first vowel usually becomes a ‘long vowel’, and the second vowel usually becomes silent. Here is a song about that: Mr. B’s Short and Long Vowels

Three Aspects of Reading English:

There are basically three aspects of mastering the ability to read English. These are, using word attack skills, using sight word skills, and using comprehension skills. Word attack includes learning letter sounds and variations, all the way to learning root words, prefixes and suffixes. Using sight words requires some memorization of small words that one can not sound-out using letter sounds. Examples of sight words are, “the”, “they”, and “come”. In other words, the reading student will benefit by memorizing short sight words, knowing that these words do not follow the rules of letter sounds and combinations. Finally, comprehension is the goal of all reading. It is good to be able to read and spell, but it is BEST to be able to use reading as a tool for understanding,

More about this to come, but for now, let’s wrap it up with a video: https://youtu.be/rwxWKP4Ld8s.